Students at Bishop’s College School asked “What will it take to fix the world?”


JIL Executive Director Jared Fishman gave a keynote address to graduating seniors at Bishop’s College School in May. His talk — "What Will It Take to Fix the World" — focused on actionable steps to create meaningful change in our communities and beyond.

In the speech, he outlined a comprehensive process to guide the audience towards impactful change:

  • What do you value? Start by questioning the "why" behind your actions to align your efforts with what truly matters to you.

  • Count the right things. In an era where technology allows us to measure almost anything, it's crucial to ensure we're measuring the right things.

  • Deconstruct the system. Achieving desired outcomes requires understanding how different parts of a system interact.

  • Approach change with humility. Embrace a hypothesis mindset, ready to pivot if your initial solution doesn't work.

  • Expand your worldview. A human-centered approach begins with meeting people where they are and engaging constructively with diverse perspectives to foster innovation.

His speech underscored the importance of values, accurate measurement, systemic understanding, humility, and broad perspectives in driving meaningful change.

“Jared’s speech gave me a completely new perspective on the world and showed me the difference between what the new generations think they should do to change the world versus what they actually need to do,” said Sky Willer, a graduating 12th grader. “I walked out of that theater a different person and found myself referring back to his speech in my daily life decisions.”


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